Animation Workshops

The animation workshop will introduce participants to the power and magic of animated visualization of letters, whole words, parts and fragments of real letters.
The workshop will encourage participants to think in images, to try to bring individual letters, words to life and to build poetic movement of figures made of individual letters. Participants will use original old handwritten psalms to create the image. Workshop participants will be able to create fonts and tell stories using the vision of real letters.
The artistic goal is to find poetry in both the words and the animated movements. During the work, participants will make up stories about the letters and words they use every day and the entirely visual part of real letters sent years ago, and will create the poetry, the music, the rhythm of all these elements.

Radostina Neikova, Fernando Galrito

In 2011, when the World Festival of Animated Film returned to Varna, the first children’s animation workshop was created under the leadership of Jean-Luc Slok and Karin Miralles. Since then, for 14 years now, with the help of NBU students, Karin has been introducing children to the art of animated drawings.

For 2024, the young participants will breathe life into the unique types contained in the posters of the past editions, located within the host city – the maritime capital of Varna.
The workshop under the patronage of Miss Miralles will be led by Anton Zhekov